About the Afterschool Meals Program (AMP)
The Child and Adult Care Food Program, At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program (AMP), is a federal nutrition program that offers reimbursement for meals served at school-based, public, non-profit and some for-profit afterschool enrichment sites. Snacks, breakfasts and lunches are available through the program, including on weekends and school holidays.
PROGRAM SITES MUST MEET CERTAIN ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA and be located in an area served by a school in which at least 50% of the enrolled students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. At these sites, meals can be served to any child age 18 and under at no cost to the children or family. Through the AMP, children and youth are able to receive a snack (which includes two items such as an apple and milk) and/or a meal (which includes five items, such as a turkey sandwich, an apple, carrot sticks, and milk) in their out-of-school-time program during the academic year. This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is administered in Florida by the Department of Health, Bureau of Child Care Food Programs (DOH CCFP).
This website was created and is maintained by Florida Impact in an effort to bring together all the tools and information you may need to successfully serve afterschool meals in Florida.
The History of AMP
The first reimbursements for afterschool snacks were provided through demonstration projects beginning in 1994. In 1998, reimbursements were authorized for all states, including Florida. In 2000, a few states were then authorized to be the pilot states for supper reimbursement. Throughout the next decade a few states were added on little by little; but this list did not include Florida.
More and more, afterschool providers in Florida and in other non-supper states across the country would say that the smaller snack wasn't quite enough to get their participants through the afternoon. This was especially true for teenage participants and those that providers worried might not get another meal until school the next day.
For some years, Florida Impact, community advocates, and local leaders worked with our members of Congress to bring the Afterschool Meal Program to our state. With the passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act in December 2010, we saw the fruit of that advocacy when suppers were authorized nationwide!
Now, Florida Impact works with local leaders across the state to expand access to the federal child nutrition program through innovative community partnerships and delivery methods while ensuring that eligible agencies are aware of how to utilize the benefits.